Trailers of almost all upcoming movies come out in YouTube. And usually we get to know about them either from movie sites like IMDb or when somebody shares it on facebook or other social sites.

Most die-hard movie lovers get the habit of subscribing to official youtube channels or facebook pages of upcoming Hollywood movies. But with time, your subscription list grows big enough to be unmanageable. On top of this, a hundred other video bloggers upload their own versions of trailers. Since any title can be given to any video, searching for just-released trailers end up with a big list where majority are unrelated videos.

Youtube hollywood movie trailers

How not to miss any "Just launched" official trailers.

1. Youtube.

Youtube undoubtedly is the biggest and most convenient video platform for all. And here's something you didn't know - YouTube has a dedicated channel  where any offical trailer or video will appear as soon as it is made available on YouTube.

The page, hosted by VISO Trailers is the largest trailer channel of YouTube. Official trailers of each and every Hollywood movie can be watched here in HD. The videos are also categorized (Latest uploaded, Newest Released, On Spotlight .. etc) for easy access. You can subscribe to this YouTube channel or track it as a one-source of all latest official movie trailers.

2. Apple Trailers.

Apple has a special trailers section in their iTunes store where all new official Hollywood movie trailers are featured. Compared to YouTube, there are two things that bring the experience a little behind-

  1. Since the videos are not directly displayed on the main page, more clicks are needed to actually play a trailer.
  2. You need the QuickTime browser plugin to play the videos. Unlike this, YouTube only needs flash which is more common and available on all browsers.

Nevertheless, if you have an ipod/mac user and visit the iTunes site, the trailers are a great thing to checkout.