It felt really relaxing to take a stroll along the beaches of Hawaii - I just took one a minute ago sitting on my chair. Confused? leme explain -

Did I go to Hawaii - NO!
Did I take a stroll along the beach - YES (thanks to Google)

Google's street view has gone a bit off-road. After helping us find directions better, Google has now started adding the worlds most beautiful and interesting places into street view. Although it started with mapping the most beautiful parks across the globe, other interesting places like beaches, UNESCO heritage sites, monuments and much more have been added.

Here's the embedded street view of the HAWAII beach.

No rush, no tasting of traffic fumes, no sweat... sight seeing has never been better. No wonder, even Jesus appeared to give Street view a blessing. Google also maintains a gallery where you can see an updated list of all the must-visit collections. Parks like Liberty Park in USA, Kensington Gardens in UK and Koganei Park in Japan top the list.

Interestingly, Google didn't send the famous "Street View Car" to scroll among the parks disturbing the peace this time. Instead they actually sent out photographers on tricycles with mounted cameras to capture these amazing views.

Google has also started offering shops and businesses to get mapped into street view. With its current pace, every nook and corner of the world appearing in street view is not very far.

So what next? May be a knock on your door one day only to find a Google engineer with ten cameras strapped on his head asking - Sir, Can I Map Your Home!!!