[INFOGRAPHIC] Worlds 10 Most Sold Mobile Phones.
April 3, 2013 was the 40th anniversary of the birth of the mobile phone - one of the most imported invensions ever in the past 100 years. The first commercial hand held mobile phone- DynaTAC was produced by Motorola in 1973. It weighed more than a kilogram (2.5 pounds), needed 10 hours to recharge and gave 30 minutes talk time.
The world has come a long long way. According to statistics, there are now more mobiles in the world than there are humans. Here's an inphographic detailing the top 10 most sold mobiles in the world till now. If you want to add this infographic to your website or blog, please use the code below.
<a href="http://www.skipser.com/506"><img src="http://www.skipser.com/i/2/images/a1/worlds-most-sold-mobiles.png" alt="Top 10 Most Sold Mobile Phones" /></a> <br/>Via <a href="http://www.skipser.com">Skipser</a>
Also See: How to save any wet cell phone before dying.