Multi-Screen Preview Tool for Images

This all-screen preview tool lets you make a snapshot of how your wallpaper/image will look in different screens like a monitor, laptop, tablet and a phone. That gives the viewer a clearer picture of how he is going to see it.

Usage is as simple as entering a image URL and clicking generate. For smaller displayes like phone and tablet, the image will be properly scaled for height. You can choose which portion of the scaled image should get displayed - Center, Right or Left. The tool works by displaying resized versions the image in appropriate blocks represening the monitor, laptop, tablet etc overlaid over each other using javascript and css.

So to make an image out of it, please do a "print screen" and cut out the image size you need or use an extension to directly save a screenshot of the preview from your browser.

Please give a image URL and click submit.

Image positioning for smaller screens:
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