Want to show some photos to your friend, but don't want to hand over the phone in case he keeps swiping? Here's the perfect solution for your android phone.

How service tax is going to be charged on ads shown via adsense in Indian websites.

Give your friends and family a surprise. Send them a new year wish at the break of new year sleeping in your bed or partying hard.

Quick tip on how to run Windows 8 metro apps as administrator. Unlike Windows 7, you don't get the classic popup menu with right click on the metro UI.

Learn how to create, merge, expand, shrink and delete partitions in Windows 7, windows 8 or vista without using any third party tools. Creating partitions even helps save data in case of a hard disk corruption as well.

Windows 8 doesn't make Adobe Acrobat Reader as default for PDF files. If you would like to make Acrobat Reader the default instead of Windows Reader, here's how to do it.

Did you ever wanted to know the location of that beautiful place you saw in a photo? Here's an easy way to find out using Google image search.

Did you know Windows 7 has many hidden themes? This simple trick will unlock these hidden themes for you.

Check if someone is spying on your Gmail account silently.

Learn how you can get Google search suggestions for search engines like Youtube, Facebook, Twitter or any other.

Want to know how influential you are on Google+? Check this out.

Sharing items from Google reader to Google+: Its more than just clicking the +1 button.

Browser wars - a poster on how the major browsers fare when compared.

Now you can see weather reports for your area in Google maps. Google's customizable weather layer can also show cloud cover as well.

How to put a scare crow to discourage your neighbor from using your wireless network.

Most video streaming sites like youtube allows video uploads but not downloads. Now you can freely download videos from youtube and more than 250 other web sites easily.