Opera has hidden its power user settings to prevent accidental browser damage. Here's how to enable it...read more.
Annoyed of preview popups when inserting links in yahoo email? Here's how you can stop them...read more.
Want to enjoy your YouTube videos better? Here's how to add an audio equalizer to get the feel you need...read more.
Save any web page directly to your Google Drive as a pdf file easily with this trick...read more.
The world is chasing iPhones, iMacs, iPads and iPods. But do you know what the "i" stands for?..read more.
Want to do a quick text-to-audio conversion without using any third party service or program? This small trick is perfect for you...read more.
Chrome now forces HTML5 player for all YouTube videos. Here's how you can switch to Flash...read more.
Don't want to pay for playing Threes? Here's a free version of the app...read more.
5 reasons why you should upgrade your android phone to KitKat when you get a chance. It is the first to have lower system requirements compared to earlier version!!..read more.
You can easily convert one of your browser tabs into a notepad to quickly take down notes...read more.
Did you know that over 550k miles of underwater cable span the earths diameter to let you access the world wide web?..read more.
"Unsubscribe" buttons in newsletters are believed to reduce spam. But hackers are now finding new ways to spread spam using the "Unsubscribe" button...read more.

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